Weight loss - It's in your headWhen you really consider the weight loss process, the battle being fought is mostly in your mind. “Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or even better, jelly? What am I doing by eating this muffin anyway? is so high in calories and filled with saturated fat. I'm such a pig. I have absolutely no willpower." It's no wonder you're eating that muffin with butter and jelly on it to calm that negative self-talk.
What you need more than a diet is a way to divert those self-defeating negative thoughts into more adaptive and positive self-declarations. As with most things worth doing, this requires a little practice. First, take judgment of right and wrong when using a negative statement, then determine where that thought is flawed, and finally, replace it with a self-defense response or coping thought. In the corn muffin example, instead of listening to "I'm such a pig" which clearly distorts who you are, respond with "Pigs are animals and I'm human. I don't need to be perfect". Article Source: Instead of listening to "I'm such a pig" which clearly distorts who you are, I don't need to be perfect. Article Source: Instead of listening to " I'm such a pig" which clearly distorts who you are, responding with "Pigs are animals and I'm human. I don't need to be perfect". Source
All or nothing. This kind of reasoning is the basis of perfectionism. An all-or-nothing individual sees the world in black or white. Since there is no tolerance for gray areas, the behavior is either perfect or a failure. "I ruined my diet eating all that pizza. I can't diet and I'll always be fat." Maybe the problem isn't behavior...maybe the problem is diet food that does not allow pizza. "I don't want to give up pizza for the rest of my life, so what I need is a way to include pizza in my diet without feeling like a failure.
Good food/bad food. To tell the truth, food is not badly composed. Food is neither good nor bad. While it is true that some foods contain more nutrients or are more fiber dense than others, all foods can be enjoyed. Our way of thinking about colorful foods what we eat and how much we eat. If a food is labeled as bad (like French fries), then for many people that food is taboo. When one eventually succumbs to eating the forbidden fries, it can result in binge eating. Rather than continuing to think dichotomously between good food and bad food, switch to letting go of all the foods you love without judgment. Instead of "I ate those fries that are so bad for me" with "I really enjoyed that little component of fries. They really satisfied me."
Body distortions. Rather than dwelling on how big or chopped up you think your body is, it's extremely helpful to see your body in terms of what it can do. For example, when you look in the mirror, instead of to zoom in on your belly which “looks five months pregnant, while your last baby was nine years old”, say to yourself “my body gave life” or “my body allows me to go where I want and allows me to have fun. »: Distortions of the body. Rather than dwelling on how big or chopped up you think your body is, it's extremely helpful to see your body in terms of what it can do for you. For example, when you look in the mirror, instead of zooming in on your belly which "looks five months pregnant, while your last baby was nine years old", tell yourself "my body gave birth" or "my body allows me to go where I want and allows me to have fun". » Body article source. Rather than dwelling on how big or chopped up you think your body is, it's extremely helpful to see your body in terms of what it can do for you. For example, when you look in the mirror, instead of zooming in on your belly which “looks five months pregnant, while your last baby was nine years old”, say to yourself “my body gave birth” or “my body allows me to go where I want and allow myself to
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