What you need to know before starting a low carb diet
For the past 12 months or so, low-carb diets have captured the hearts and weight loss hopes of the American public. And why not? These diets promise rapid weight loss and the ability to continue eating fatty foods. If you love your steak and eggs, this seems like the ultimate diet. However, before you sign up, the low-carb diet is worth a look. Is this really the right diet for you?The premise of the Atkins or any low-carb diet is that carbs are the source of all our weight loss problems. There is real substance to the argument that we Americans have been eating excessive amounts. of refined carbs, which has made many of us insulin resistant as the body proceeds to wage war against the repeated shots of blood sugar caused by our poor eating habits.
The Atkins diet and other very low-carb diets get your body out of a sugar-burning state by individually eliminating all carbohydrates during an induction period that can last two weeks or more. The body causes it to burn sugar as the main energy source until it breaks down. During the conversion, the dieter may feel tired, irritable, have headaches or feel dizzy. Once you pass this deemed difficult period, you are allowed to eat a few carbohydrates, but generally no more than 60 grams per day. It's like eating a bagel a day and then quitting. It's a hard road to follow for quite a while.
In fact, a recent study showed that most adults who start a low-carb diet quit the diet within a year. effective in certain food offerings that could be classified as comfort foods (e.g. muffins, brownies, yogurts, etc.). It helps, but you can't have a lot if you want to stay within the dietary guidelines.
In addition to losing almost all traditional comfort foods, by cutting out carbs, the diet also cut out many foods that are good for us. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients that help us stay healthy. Limiting fiber while consuming lots of saturated fat isn't the healthiest diet for your heart.
The low-carb diet shifts a person from a primary sugar-burning state to a fat-burning state. However, some posts give the impression that you can't burn fat any other way. The fact is we all burn fat, we may be adding more fat faster than we are burning. Changing the diet to eliminate refined carbs and focus on high-quality protein and good fats will gradually cause the body to burn more fat and less sugar. To their credit, the Atkins Group has refined its dietary guidelines from its original “eat all the fat you want” role to “eat waters consumed with good fats”. It's not just a step
eat moderate amounts of good fats
a step forward for heart health, but it's also about helping your weight loss efforts because essential fatty acids (the good fats) can help you burn more fat. However, if you consider carbs already restricted on this diet, I don't know what you're eating except grilled chicken breast, fat-free cottage cheese, and egg white omelets. effectively transforms the diet into a high-protein, low-calorie diet which, if it becomes low-calorie, prompts the body to reduce its excess.
But the only thing you need to know about why the Atkins diet leads to significant weight loss in the first week is that it puts the body into ketosis. Without getting technical, this is a bodily imbalance that causes your body to flush toxins (ketones) through your urine like crazy! What you lose then is mostly water - not fat. In the long run, limiting carb intake to the levels recommended in Atkins and other similar diets should overlook the fact that your body needs carbs to use the protein you eat. So, just like the low-calorie diet,
this diet cannot help you increase or even maintain muscle mass if carbohydrates are not consumed at a higher level than they recommend. Finally, if you give up the low-carb diet, your body will immediately stop burning vehicle fat, it's the main source of fuel. Adding carbohydrates to the diet usually results in weight gain, the water weight loss returns within a few days.
If you are committed to achieving fat loss success, you cannot ignore the body's need for sufficient energy levels to prevent the body from reducing its intake. You also need enough protein for the body to use for a shapely figure (this goes for both men and women), youthful skin, and beautiful hair. Stick to fruits and vegetables, allow yourself a component or two of ache or whole-grain pasta, focus on high-quality protein and good fats, get calcium from low-fat dairy products like yogurt and your body respond with a slow, steady and healthy weight loss
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