Do not confuse weight loss with fat loss!
There is a difference between losing weight and losing fat. Many people are looking to shed a few extra pounds. Or the important thing is not so much the weight as the percentage of body fat. It is indeed excess fat that must be eliminated while preserving or even developing muscle tissue (lean mass). If you put on some weight by building muscle while losing fat, you're on the right track. it's not about losing muscle. Some diets can be designed to make you lose weight quickly and are dangerous for your health. To stay healthy, you need the right balance is an indicator that allows you to know where you are. You can also use a scale to know a proposal and follow the evolution of your fat mass. These tools should be used with caution. Always seek the advice of a specialist who will be able to guide you according to your specific state of affairs.
fast way to lose fat
To lose fat permanently, you have to reduce body fat by combining a healthy and balanced diet with a little activity, for example, but not just anyone notices everything while avoiding stress as much as possible. Stress releases hormones that serve to boost the body physically to protect it from the source of stress but, are ineffective, encouraging poor eating and therefore weight gain. The psychological aspect, often overlooked, plays an essential role and, if treated, could also solve most overweight problems gently and permanently Finally, losing weight takes time. price to lose weight quickly...
- it allows not to store fat more than necessary. To lose fat and weight, you don't necessarily have to eat less, but you have to eat better. Certain foods or combinations of foods contribute to limiting fat storage. Certain dietary supplements can also help you.
- it helps to destock excess fat by activating the accelerated. With training, the fat utilization process becomes more efficient. Leisure is not necessarily an effective way to lose weight. You still have to follow certain rules.
- We talk about it below. A serene life and an adapted lifestyle: they avoid the additional storage of fat. Understand the origin of the problem: the problem to be dealt with is not that I eat too much but why I eat too much. optimize weight loss
increase your basal metabolic rate to burn more fat
- Translated is a process of transformation by which we burn calories. The higher it is, the more fat is burned. To lose a little weight, you have to increase it! But a comment?
- Increasing your feeling of activity is what seems the most obvious (the most tiring too!) for losing fat. But did you know that it is just as feasible to increase your base intake and thus lose fat, therefore also at rest and even while sleeping! Little work is required to achieve this. Once the basal rate is increased, all you have to do is maintain it and wait to see the results. Nice, but notice increasing his basal rate? Read this
to burn fat, play sports but not just anyhow!
Cardio-training but not just any remark!
To lose fat, it is often recommended to do cardio training, an activity that works the heart and can cause you to burn a lot of calories. Cardio training is indeed one of the most effective activities for burning calories, certainly. But the but is not just to burn calories, but fat!
it is mainly sugars (muscle glycogen) and not fats that you will consume and that you will restock during the next meals... To see effects on your body, you will have to practice long hours of cardio training or do it regularly (and some readers here think they're already moving on to the next trick). But there's an easy way around this. VS'
If the intensity activity essentially draws on the carbohydrate reserves, at low intensity, this time it is mainly the fats that are burned. Unfortunately, little energy is completely spent, so little fat in the end. To effectively optimize fat, your cardio training effort must be done at the right intensity: neither too weak nor too intense. An hour of brisk walking can be more effective at melting excess fat than an hour of jogging! There is a zone, specific to each person, where the percentage of fat burned is optimal. To find out where this district is located, note to put e
to burn fat, adopt a healthy lifestyle
Leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to losing weight by acting both physically and mentally. Here are some simple and useful tips you can follow:
Drink enough, of course, water, to stay hydrated, eliminate toxins and promote the elimination of fat Eat healthy and balanced. Avoid excesses. Eat until full but stop a little before. The feeling of satiety comes indeed with a slight delay. Don't skip meals. Our tendency to economize and stockpile when not fed enough. On the contrary, multiplying the meals allows you to spend more (digestion consumes energy and it consumes life). The ideal is to adopt 5 small meals a day.
bitten apple offered by a seamstress Give preference to fat-burning foods (citrus fruits, apple, green tea, papaya, cinnamon, oat bran, protein-rich foods including 0% dairy products and white meats).
If this is too complicated for you, turn to dietary supplements. Some natural products are very effective and allow you to lose fat more easily. We will explain a list of some food supplements at the end of the article.
Eat slowly: this allows you to eat less (the feeling of satiety being slow to come) and also better appreciate what you eat! Practice regular physical activity, even if it is only a little gardening or housework. This will increase your base energy. Adapt your lifestyle: avoid elevators, and do walking guides The WHO recommends taking at least the equivalent of 10 zero steps per day: acquire an activity bracelet to know how much you will walk per day, motivate yourself to move, and track your progress.
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