Permanent Hair Removal - A Growing Problem
hair is to grow. This is why laser clinics and other so-called "permanent" hair removal methods cannot and cannot show permanent hair removal results. Once you better understand hair and the hair growth cycle, you'll know why permanent hair removal claims are like permanent weight loss claims: dodgy. Without continued vigilance, hair, like weight, will return.vellus intermediate, and terminal.
There are three key factors to understanding hair and hair growth: hair types, hair growth cycle, and follicle activation. Most people have three kinds of hair:
Vellus: Small colorless hairs often called a peach cover. *
Intermediate: Fine and short hairs between the vellus and the terminal (hence the name) generally present a lower level of pigmentation. *
The last factor to consider is the activation of the follicles. Our skin is covered with thousands and thousands of follicles. Many follicles are like volcanoes: dormant but not extinct. Even though these follicles are not currently producing hair, they can be activated at any time. The main catalysts are hormones. If you have experience with teens, pregnancy,
Intermediate: Fine and short hairs between the vellus and the terminal (hence the name) generally present a lower level of pigmentation. *
Terminal: Fully pigmented or deep gray, rooted coarse hairs. These are the hairs that most consumers want to remove. All hairs, regardless of type, have a three-stage growth cycle. The first segment is anagen or the actively growing section. Depending on the area of the body hairs grow spent. The second segment is catagen, a transition segment that is the shortest of the three phases. The third and final section is telogen, the inactive section. This is the longest segment and lasts until the hair falls out and the cycle repeats. This section can last up to a year.
The last factor to consider is the activation of the follicles. Our skin is covered with thousands and thousands of follicles. Many follicles are like volcanoes: dormant but not extinct. Even though these follicles are not currently producing hair, they can be activated at any time. The main catalysts are hormones. If you have experience with teens, pregnancy,
or aging (did your husband get his hair back for his 45s?),

you know exactly what I'm talking about. And as sure as some people want to get rid of hair, others want it to grow back and look for products to stimulate follicles (see Rogaine). In short, you can't keep a good follicle so new hairs are likely to grow even after a "permanent" hair removal procedure. Consumers reasonably expect that the word permanent, when used in conjunction with hair removal, actually means existing in perpetuity. However, as we have shown, the nature of hair is to grow. Therefore, the so-called permanent hair removal industry seeks to redefine the word "permanent". It is fair to say that permanent hair removal is achieved when a particular hair follicle is rendered impotent or unable to produce new hair. But, because the follicles are so numerous, hair is likely to emerge from neighboring follicles. Thus, even if "permanent" hair removal is performed (ie a follicle), the area that has been treated is still prone to producing new hairs.
you know exactly what I'm talking about. And as sure as some people want to get rid of hair, others want it to grow back and look for products to stimulate follicles (see Rogaine). In short, you can't keep a good follicle so new hairs are likely to grow even after a "permanent" hair removal procedure. Consumers reasonably expect that the word permanent, when used in conjunction with hair removal, actually means existing in perpetuity. However, as we have shown, the nature of hair is to grow. Therefore, the so-called permanent hair removal industry seeks to redefine the word "permanent". It is fair to say that permanent hair removal is achieved when a particular hair follicle is rendered impotent or unable to produce new hair. But, because the follicles are so numerous, hair is likely to emerge from neighboring follicles. Thus, even if "permanent" hair removal is performed (ie a follicle), the area that has been treated is still prone to producing new hairs.
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