the barrier of forty years roughly corresponds to the change in the hormonal environment of menopause (although often it occurs later), which is accompanied by a procession of hormonal disorders. Nothing more daily and physiological, but when you want to lose weight, these are data to take into account!
on the tone side, the production of collagen by the body decreases, causing damage to the skin, but also to the joints; finally, it too slows down and can be somewhat lazy, which implies that the body needs a minimum calorie intake. In short, getting thinner after forty requires a few adjustments to adapt to a new functioning of your own body.

To lose weight at forty years, the principle consists in respecting the signals of hunger, and satiety as well as its specific appetites, which normally direct the food choices. These signals are sent by the neurophysiological control centers which normally take care to maintain the weight at the equilibrium weight level. They must be listened to and respected more than ever.
Indeed, as we have seen, hormonal production, which plays a major role in the ability to lose weight, changes, and new balances are put in place. of a restrictive kind (ie low-calorie diets) which were marked in ninety percent of cases by weight regain, often prove to be even less effective. Using a method that relies more on listening to the body will allow you to refine yourself over the long term after forty years. Moreover, trusting your food desires at the second meal, by explaining the foods that whet your appetite, being able to listen to your gustatory satiation, thus making pleasure the modulator of the quantities consumed, allowing you to initiate your weight loss and stabilize you at your equilibrium weight.

Moderate, without restricting
the station wagon occupies your mind and takes care of meal preparation; we gulp down dishes that are quick to prepare without thinking… Whereas, after forty years, we need to be more present than ever and psychologically available at the second meal, not only to listen to our hunger but also our appetites. These push us towards certain foods that make us want and enjoy: no request to give them up under the pretext
But then, of course, it is also appropriate to listen to the arrival of the end of gustatory pleasure, that is to say, gustatory satiation, and to know how to stop there, whereas, due to the fact of the decrease in the basic feeling, this gustatory satiation appears earlier, thus the size of the adequate pieces. food while respecting your food sensations will allow you little by little to manage to naturally moderate your food intake, without limiting yourself, just by listening to you. And will avoid the occurrence of food compulsions, sources of guilt, and weight regain!
Accept yourself, look at yourself
After forty, you often have to mourn an idealized image of your body. This does not mean that it is not possible to lose weight and maintain your physical shape after this age! To lose weight after forty years, if it is vital to make peace with your image, it is also necessary to be more attentive than ever to your physical form, to maintain order to maintain your tone, and your health.
imperfect (the bodies highlighted in the media are the exception, diversity is the rule, beauty at forty is not identical to beauty at 18), also accept your emotions and what they entail: you went for chocolate one night after a stressful day? Do not feel guilty for your emotional food cravings (EME), it can be learned!
Thanks to methods implemented cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) of food, meditation of full moral sense and strategies allowing to drive out any conditioning and any cognitive limit leading to control one's food intake, such as those Used by Linecoaching, will allow you to consider more serenely a long-term weight loss after forty years. With the guideline of your physical well-being, but also emotional! Linecoaching accompanies you in your quest for slimming after forty years: the method for losing weight without diet will even be your best ally to learn to control and accept your feelings, to be presented during meals, but also to welcome your emotions and manage them. so that they are no longer obstacles.
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