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faster way to lose weight


The dangers of losing weight too quickly

we sometimes forget that the loss has health consequences. A very significant and too rapid weight loss can indeed have serious repercussions on the body, which are not necessarily seen from the outside. The postman with Doctor Alain Gondinet, the nutritionist.

best weight loss program every lifestyle change creates stress that destabilizes the body. But in times of strict diet, it is towards a real self-intoxication that we can head nutritional are poorly adapted. "A strong oxidative stress is responsible for a discharge of free radicals in each cell of the body. An additional supply of antioxidants as well as a rebalancing of proteins/lipids/sugars then quickly becomes necessary. Especially if the sufferers who deprive themselves are not followed medically and make bad choices to lose weight quickly" explains Doctor Gondinet. the cells are effective. It creates in particular premature aging of the epidermis, but also leads to an imbalance of the intestinal flora as well as

Diet beware of muscle damage

he low-calorie diet tries to preserve muscle groups and promote the loss of fat mass. But you should know that the body will first spontaneously draw on muscle and then on fat. So, in order not to lose too much muscle, it is often advisable to enrich your diet with protein. What is less known is that the type and quality of proteins are essential for preserving muscle mass. "Compensate with proteins, but for this to work, you have to consume proteins with high biological value with essential amino acids" specifies the doctor. "Without this, melting, their silhouette will weaken and be less toned.

The solution to losing weight without danger

  • First of all, don't put yourself in danger by trying to lose too much weight too quickly. “The only sufferers who can calmly lose 30 kilos in one year are those who wear gastric bands and their psychological and medical follow-up. Its purpose, the affected person will inevitably expose themselves to health problems in the more or less long term" he specifies. If you plan to lose more than 7 or 8 kilos, first consult a nutritionist who will advise you. Then, it is essential to choose your foods carefully and to go for those that are rich in Omega 3,
