Bodybuilding program weight loss and extreme slimming
The good reasons for losing weight in women are many and varied want to be on top. : feel better in your body, after a period of relaxation, after pregnancy, for health reasons or
- 1. Principles of slimming training for weight loss
- What bodybuilding exercises to lose weight?
- Training intensity
- What intensity in bodybuilding for weight loss?
- What frequency of training?
- 2. Slimming and weight loss program
- 3. What supplements for weight loss?
- A weight loss program for women adapted to your needs. All the advice to feel better about your body and do the right workouts.
- Training: 70% cardio, 30% strength training
- 60% core exercises and 40% isolation exercises
- a training frequency of 5 times a week including 2 cardio
- medium intensity
weight loss bodybuilding program
- But bodybuilding to lose weight is complementary to avoiding muscle wasting
- What bodybuilding exercises to lose weight?
- Doing cardio is the basis for losing weight and burning as much reserve fat as possible.
Be careful, however, not to practice cardio and bodybuilding on the same day. Otherwise, book the cardio at the end of the session.
This Extreme Slimming Weight Loss Training Program offers a workout composed of 70% cardio and 30% weight training.
Warming up for this weight loss program for women in the gym is an important step that should not be overlooked.
Ride a bike, treadmill, or another machine at moderate speed for 5 minutes.
Before the bodybuilding session, the warm-up will consist of practicing:
- 5 minutes of cardio of your choice (treadmill, bike, etc.)
- 10 good morning stick
- 10 hip rotations on one leg, each side
- 10 ankle rotations on each side
L’important est de faire travailler le cœur donc de respecter la fréquence cardiaque maximale recommandée (60 à 65% de la FCM) qui est la meilleure fréquence pour perdre du gras. Le cardio doit durer au minimum 30 minutes.
exercices de bases VS isolation
Ce programme perte de poids gratuit est composé de 40% d’exercices de base qui vont activer le métabolisme et déclencher une réponse hormonale favorable à la combustion des graisses. Les 60%
to be able to maintain a long effort. The moderate-intensity cardio exercises in this weight loss sports program are recommended to burn as much reserve fat as possible. Indeed, the longer the effort lasts, the more fat is burned, so it is in our interest not to work too much at high frequency.
It is the physiological fat-burning lipolysis. This is why the recommended average FCM is between 60 and 65%. To properly manage your cardio and meet the recommended heart rates for weight loss and muscle building, you will need to apply the percentages that keep you within the lipolysis threshold. You will need to calculate your FCM to follow this extreme slimming program,
Une fois que les exercices sont bien maîtrisés, pour ajouter de l’intensité sans rallonger les séances, on introduit des techniques d’intensification : le superset à intensité modérée, toujours avec des charges légères.
Dans un entrainement en salle de sport pour femme, l’intensité des séances de musculation sera modérée. Pour cela, les charges utilisées sont légères à moyennes, pour donner la priorité au volume de travail.
Number of reps and sets
Number of reps and sets
we will favor the maximum number of repetitions with light loads to draw the muscle without changing its volume:
5 or 4 sets of 15 to 10 repetitions or more for large muscles (glutes, thighs) that burn a lot of calories.
For the other exercises, we will preferably do 12 to 15 reps
The interest is to regularly repeat these workouts
The abs recover more easily, which is why we work them in series to the max
The break times of this weight loss fitness program are limited (1 min to 75 sec) because the muscle must have enough time to recover but remain within a sufficient stimulation threshold to develop, this is what will give intensity to your session.
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