What may be behind unexplained weight loss
Losing weight can be a good thing, but when this weight loss is unexplained and sudden, there are often deeper causes that are hidden behind. Although the exact cause is not always obvious, there are certain medical conditions or environmental factors that can cause unexplained weight loss.
The first thing to do if you notice an unexpected drop int your weighis to talk to your doctor about it to get a thorough exam. This will allow health professionals to exclude any serious and potentially fatal condition associated with inexplicable loss of body weight such as cancer or serious infectious diseases such as hepatitis A or B. In some rare cases, unsuccessful insipid diabetes can cause similar symptoms.
Psychic causes in almost half of the cases
"Depression often results in a disruption of appetite," notes Dr. William de Carvalho, the psychiatrist in Paris. If some depressives take refuge in food, others lose the pleasure of eating. Food appears to them without flavor and the very idea of having to sustain itself becomes an insurmountable chore. Hence a brutal weight loss increases the feeling of immense fatigue characteristic of depression.
Once the more serious problems have been excluded, your doctor will examine your family and personal history as well as a complete physical exam to identify other possible causes related to diet, lifestyle, and eating habits. Supplementary tests will probably be necessary to clearly determine what is happening exactly in a given patient; This will generally include complies (CBC) and urinary (UA) blood tests to exclude certain nutritional disorders such as chronic ferriprive due & agrave; vitamin B12 or a grave; Global calorific protidic malnutrition (MPC). R & EGAVEs.
Unexplained weight loss may be a sign of a certain number of medical problems, and it is important that you consult your doctor if you notice a significant or inexplicable decrease in weight. The most frequent causes are stress, depression, and anxiety. Other possible causes include eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia; infectious diseases such as HIV / AIDS; Certain types of cancer; side effects caused by certain medical treatments (including those used to treat diabetes); Certain serious food allergies which cause loss of appetite and persistent intestinal infections that can cause chronic diarrhea.
If you notice something that seems suspicious about your own unexplained loss by weight, make an appointment with your doctor without waiting so that he can correctly assess the situation and exclude any risk to your physical or mental health. Once this is done, there are different treatments available to help manage the symptoms linked to the conditions mentioned above; Talk to the doctor so that he can find the one that suits the best for each case individually.
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