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best exercise to lose weight

Effective weight loss with a sports coach

The reasons for weight gain are often related to poor nutrition and increased physical inactivity. No need for a miracle cream, exclusive diet, or training 24 hours a day.

here is our advice issued by professionals to help you in your approach! The program that your coach will prepare for you will consist of valuable dietary advice and tailor-made sports sessions.
Therefore, if I eat more calories than I expend, then I gain weight and vice versa.

  • excess food
  • A high-calorie diet is necessarily conducive to weight gain, even if you practice sport in parallel. To simplify as much as possible, the organism behaves like a scale

  •  but be careful about calories Indeed, sauces, prepared meals, or pastries are all foods that will blow up the calorie counter at the end of your day. Adopting good eating habits is not so complicated when you know how to identify trap foods! 

  • Bad food choices
  •  by skipping lunch, by removing fat from your diet, or by filling your cravings with rice cakes. All of these things won't make you lose weight, though professional advice is essential. A weight loss coach trained in nutrition or a dietician/nutritionist will be able to guide you in making more judicious choices.

  • Insufficient calorie expenditure

  • don't play sports? Do you work in a seated position? All these elements do not weigh in your favor and contribute, precisely, to tip the scales on the side of weight gain. The increase in sedentary lifestyle is linked to the new way of life. Even if your plates are not very high in calories, you will find it difficult to spend them without activity. Be active as much as possible.

Moreover, from a more psychological point of view, food often makes it possible to fill the void left. Instead of smoking, we nibble. It is not a fatality. It is by being aware of this that you will be able to achieve your goals effectively.

best diet plan to lose weight

The important thing is to go gradually. In fact, do not try to lose 5 kg per week, it would be doomed to failure in the long term. Slowly decrease

On the other hand, a radical change in its diet is perceived by the body. In addition, you risk nutritional deficiencies. The new fad diets most often lead to a yo-yo effect.

healthy diet for weight loss

 you have to control your diet rather than submit to it. No need to have attended hotel school. Simply, it is advisable to avoid the purchase of dishes ready to put in the microwave. This type of diet is high in salt, saturated fat and other addictive foods, increasing the number of calories
 The ideal is to increase the doses during your evening meal in order to use this surplus the next day. In addition, preparing your meals will not be time-consuming. All it takes is a little organization.


 Thus, to lose weight permanently, you must not deprive your body to the extreme. If you don't eat enough at lunchtime, you'll obviously be going for the first packet of cake an hour later. Every day, overweight people persist in eating a small salad for lunch in front of their work colleagues when it is not the right solution.
 the idea is to eat just below your needs and gradually reduce your calories. Take your 3 daily meals as well as 1 or 2 balanced snack(s). It's fast and it will keep you from being hungry until the next meal. On the pleasure side, do not deprive yourself. If you fancy a square of chocolate or another sweet, just don't overdo it and manage the quantities.

Nutritional information to know

Nowadays, we no longer talk about slow sugars and quick sugars. This concept has evolved to give way to the glycemic index or glycemic index. In a nutshell, every carbohydrate-containing food has a high, medium, or low glycemic index (GI), depending on its effect on blood sugar.

Thus, foods with a moderate GI, or even better, a low GI, are to be valued. This is the case with fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains (al dente). They prevent cravings by gradually releasing glucose into the blood.
To put it simply, get your carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, basmati rice, and green lentils. In addition, for breakfast, avoid jams and cereals. Oatmeal and oat bran will be much more beneficial!


 other occasions of food deviations often spoil the dynamics that we have tediously put in place to lose weight. Here are tips to lose weight and help you change behaviors sports session allows you to release the tensions of the day. Playing sports allows you to tone up, and sculpt your figure but also stay motivated. Sport forges a healthy lifestyle. By exerting yourself physically, you will pay more attention to your diet. On a mental level, a sports session allows you to release the tensions of the day.
 spend several hours a day. To start, 3 one-hour sessions per week will be sufficient. Regular sports practice is essential for lasting weight loss and feeling good about yourself and your mind. No need to

 perform 3 sessions per week and stick to them over time rather than wanting to exercise every day. You risk injury, overtraining, and loss of motivation.
