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hair loss front of head


Hair loss in the front of the woman's head

This is a rare situation but when it occurs, it is often badly experienced. Indeed, hair is an important attribute of femininity. Generally moderate and diffuse, hair loss in front of the skull in women can occur.
. Since baldness is more common in men, they may come to terms with it more easily. It is quite different in the case of hair loss in women.
We present here the causes of the phenomenon and the steps that can be taken to restore coverage and satisfactory hair density.

female hair loss 

femininity. They are involved in seduction and in relationships with others. The hair concerns the affective, the modesty. Everything that affects them deeply impacts self-confidence

  • in women, it varies according to the hormonal cycle and the events she is going through. , childbirth and menopause are examples of important markers that lead to major hormonal changes

  •   these periods are accompanied by a loss of capillary density. But the situation corrects itself without the need for special treatment. Sometimes certain skin conditions can get involved and cause massive hair loss.

  •   For example, the scalp of a woman concentrates areas of hypersensitive hair at the front of the skull, any increase in male hormones in her body will be followed by the localized hair loss on the front line.

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it happens that the fall begins at the level of the frontal zone. We then notice that the line of implantation of the hair recedes and the situation can become disabling for the woman. Hair loss related to seasonal changes is sudden and disappears on its own.
the hair loss can progress and strip an increasingly wide band of hair. These are the signs of alopecia in women. It is progressive and can generate a fluff instead of the front hair.
  can be due to many causes. Among these are vitamin deficiencies, and disturbances of the thyroid gland. A complete check-up can help distinguish hormonal causes from infectious causes or deficiencies.

triangular alopecia

This form of alopecia affects one in five women. It is also the main cause of hair loss in women.
Androgenic alopecia is the scholarly name for baldness. You might think it only applies to men, but that's not the case.
In most cases, it induces a more diffuse hair and can be more marked on the frontal line. Benign and without complications, it is often less invasive and much less pronounced However, it causes discomfort that can significantly affect the quality
It is due to the influence of androgens on the life of the hair follicles. Male hormones, in this case, testosterone, disrupt the cycle of
It is an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. This DHT causes shorter hair cycles, so the follicles wear out faster and die. As hair replacement is no longer guaranteed, the hair becomes thinner.
Even if it is the top of the skull that becomes bald first in androgenetic alopecia, the frontal line is often quickly affected as well. Inevitably, hair loss causes stress in women
