Sports program Diet weight loss:
Is there an exercise to lose belly or a sport to lose belly? Which sport for losing weight? What exercise to lose weight? What workout to do? How often? How long? …
diet to lose weight

The best thing is to gradually change your diet without excessive movement and move as much as possible. Eating less is not the right solution! You will lose a few pounds quite quickly but the risk is to regain the lost pounds or even more when you resume a so-called "normal" diet. Eat better to avoid the "yo-yo" effect as well as deficiencies. The best weight loss program combines sports and healthy, balanced menus. So there is no best exercise to lose weight or best sport to lose weight. The notion of pleasure is also very important in order to sustain this healthier way of life.
The best thing is to gradually change your diet without excessive movement and move as much as possible. Eating less is not the right solution! You will lose a few pounds quite quickly but the risk is to regain the lost pounds or even more when you resume a so-called "normal" diet. Eat better to avoid the "yo-yo" effect as well as deficiencies.
The best weight loss program combines sports and healthy, balanced menus. So there is no best exercise to lose weight or best sport to lose weight. The notion of pleasure is also very important in order to sustain this healthier way of life.
- decide to start a weight loss sports program or/and a rebalancing of your diet. Check that you have no contraindications to the practice of a sport.
- We, therefore, seek to stimulate the basic metabolism (amount of calories the body needs at rest to function): a restrictive diet completely disrupts the body, which will store it even more quickly in the form of fat
- After this brief introduction emphasizes the importance of associating sports practice with a healthy, balanced, and varied diet. We will go deeper into this concept to understand

sports weight loss programs
At home or outdoors, several solutions are available to you to carry out your sports program: fitness, bodybuilding, jumping rope, running, boxing...
Sport saves time: travel time but beware of injuries! Call on a state-certified sports coach to acquire some basic exercises and good placements if you don't know where to start. You can also consult our article on "Returning to sport" to help you start sport safely and smoothly.
Cardiovascular work is important for burning calories but it is necessary to combine it with weight training or muscle-strengthening or body weight and/or light weights.
Indeed, cardio allows you to lose weight but the risk is to be thinner with a flabby silhouette. In addition, the work in muscular resistance makes it possible to build muscle by increasing energy consumption. Hence the interest in mixing and/or alternating cardiovascular and muscle strengthening sessions to lose fat mass and have a more toned and harmonious silhouette while increasing your basic metabolism.
any sports program. This allows you to burn more calories during a session because the body will draw more quickly from the reserves, and this, even at rest, several hours after the sports session. The advantage of this training method: the sessions are short and it allows you to have results more quickly.
Here are examples/training methods: don't forget the warm-up and active recovery with stretching!
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