weight loss after childbirth
how to lose weight safely after giving birth, how long it can take and how breastfeeding can also help you shed a few pounds. If you recently gave birth, you may be eager to get back to your old weight. it is that with a balanced diet, physical activity, and a little patience, you will surely be able to lose the pounds you gained during pregnancy.
Before you start losing weight, where did all those pounds come from during your pregnancy, you may have less weight to lose than you think
For example, your baby alone represents 3 to 4 kg of this weight gain, the rest being linked to:
an increase in your blood circulation (1.5 to 2 kg)and an increase in fluids in your body (1 to 1.5 kg)to fat reserves (3 to 4 kg). For example, your baby alone represents 3 to 4 kg of this weight gain, the rest being linked to The weight gain recommended for you during pregnancy is calculated on the basis of several criteria including your body mass index (BMI) before becoming pregnant and whether or not it is multiple pregnancies.
for this reason, it is safer to ask your healthcare professional what your ideal weight gain is during your pregnancy, but also how much to lose afterward.
Your actual weight gain during pregnancy depends on many other factors such as your general state of health and your lifestyle choices, for example, whether you exercise and eat a healthy diet.
How long to get back in shape?
is that you may be able to lose up to 10 kg in the first weeks after childbirth simply thanks to the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid, and the placenta. During the first week, you will likely lose a few extra pounds as your body rids itself of your water stores and your blood circulation returns to normal.
It will probably take you several months to return to approximately your "before" weight. Specialists generally advise women to lose between 500 g and 1 kg per week.
Your body needs time to recover and heal after your pregnancy and
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best way to lose weight after pregnancy
do not force. You've carried and cared for a baby for 9 months, so relax and give yourself time to get back in shape.
You can lose those extra pounds in a few months simply by combining a healthy, balanced diet with regular physical activity.
for good weight loss after pregnancy
Weight loss after pregnancy is like any other weight loss: you have to burn more calories than you consume.
your body needs the energy and nutrients provided by a balanced diet in order to recover after pregnancy and childbirth. Know first of all it is important to avoid diets that are too strict. In effect
To lose weight continuously, favor smaller portions, avoid sweet or salty meals or snacks and in general, eat a balanced diet with:
If you are struggling to get rid of the last few pounds, specialists advise reducing the small delicacies that you offer yourself from time to time,
Your healthcare professional will be able to help you if you need specific advice on what to eat.
The practice of physical activity, coupled with a balanced diet, can help you get back in shape. It also has other benefits, such as giving you more energy, improving your mood, reducing stress, and helping you be physically fit.
you can start whenever you want. Some moms will be able to resume sport before others, sometimes even for some only a few days after a vaginal delivery. Stay tuned to your body. Before resuming physical activity after childbirth, consult your healthcare professional. Once it gives you the green light,
best weight loss tips after pregnancy
your healthcare provider will likely advise you to wait four to six weeks before resuming physical activity.
Once ready, follow these tips for good weight loss after your pregnancy:
You don't need to go all out when you resume: start slowly, at a pace that suits you. Listen to your body and gradually move on to more difficult exercises.
It's not always easy to find the time to play sports when you have to take care of an infant, so why not involve them? take a brisk walk every day with your baby in a stroller or do yoga with your newborn on the floor on a blanket right next to you.
Play sports together.
Try to do 1h30 of moderately intense exercise a day. Experts recommend engaging in physical activity almost every day, whether it's walking, cycling, swimming, or even working out in the garden.
You may find it difficult to organize yourself so try, for example, to do this in 30-minute increments. For example, 30 minutes of yoga, strength training, or aerobics in the morning, a 30-minute walk with your baby between two of their naps during the day, and household chores that get you moving at the end of the day. This is just one example
Consider adding pelvic exercises to your physical activity to strengthen your abdominal muscles and start practicing muscle strengthening with the help of videos or a personal trainer.
Ask for help. If you feel like going for a run or going to the gym. benefits of physical activity, it will allow you to have time for yourself. Also, if you enjoyed playing sports a lot before your pregnancy, you are surely looking forward to getting back to it now that your child is born. You may find it a bit difficult to get organized at first, but with a little help, you can fit your favorite physical activities into your schedule.
Motivation isn't always there when you don't enjoy what you're doing, but you can practice physical activity while having fun! There are many types of exercises for new moms, so try several and see what appeals to you the most.
Get help from your healthcare professional
the practice of physical activity. For many women,
healthy weight loss after pregnancy starts with good nutrition However, your healthcare professional must intervene. If your BMI is over 30 or you have medical conditions in addition to having a high BMI, the following options may be considered:
A surgery. This option may be advised by your healthcare professional only if the medications are not working and your BMI is particularly high.
Your healthcare professional can help you establish balanced menus, practice
What is the role of breastfeeding in weight loss after pregnancy?
is that breastfeeding can help you lose some of the pounds gained during pregnancy you burn the calories in your food but also the fat stored in your body to produce milk for your baby.
The principle of breastfeeding is to provide your baby with what he needs, so be sure to follow a special breastfeeding diet that will keep both of you healthy.
diet after pregnancy to lose weight
Weight loss after pregnancy usually takes how long?
Weight loss after pregnancy can take about 6 to 12 months.
The most important thing is to be patient with yourself and your body. Eat well and be active because it makes you happy and focus on how wonderful your baby is and on the positives in your life. Sure, the numbers on the scale seem important, but so is your postpartum mental well-being, so don't be too hard on yourself.
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